Friday, July 29

The Pros And Cons of Buying Health Insurance

Health insurance can be a good investment if you choose the right plan. But when you don’t buy a suitable health insurance, you may not enjoy the investment. Also, buying health insurance must be for the right reasons, i.e., to access healthcare conveniently.

Not having health insurance means you have to pay all your medical expenses out of pocket. Should you buy health insurance? The answer to this is different for everyone, depending on their own unique circumstances. This post will help you understand the pros and cons.

Pro: You will be able to access health care 24/7.

The good news is that with health insurance, you can access healthcare any time of the day. Whether you buy the HMO plan yourself or your employer provides it for you, you can be sure of 24/7 access to healthcare within the limits of your plan.

Pro: You won’t pay for healthcare out of pocket

After buying health insurance plan, you will no longer be paying your hospital bills out of pocket. If your plan covers the health challenges you have, the bills will be sorted by your health insurer.

Con: You can’t access all hospitals

Even though you have health insurance, you can only access hospitals within your plan. For example, plan A may allow you visit Tier A & B hospitals, while plan B allows you visit tier C & D hospitals. Therefore, it’s important to consider your health needs before buying an HMO plan.

If you need access to tier A & B hospitals, it’s best you buy a plan that gives you that access because health insurers are strict on the access each plan gives you.

Con: Insurance doesn't cover everything.

If you have a catastrophic event, such as a cancer diagnosis or a car accident that leaves you unable to work for an extended period, many insurance companies will not cover the cost of your treatment, since it’s not included in your original HMO plan.

Even if you've been doing without health insurance so far, it might be time to think about getting it. You may be wondering if it is worth it to buy health insurance. The answer is yes, even if you are on a tight budget and have been doing without coverage so far.

If your family has any chronic illnesses or conditions that would require regular treatment with expensive drugs or procedures, then getting covered can make all the difference in terms of quality of life and peace of mind.

There are other reasons why having health insurance is important too:

  • The biggest benefit of health insurance is peace of mind. Knowing that if you get seriously ill or injured, your family won't be left scrambling for money is a huge comfort.
  • Another benefit of health insurance is that it covers preventative services such as physicals and check-ups as well as prescription medications. This helps keep your doctor's visits down so they don't become an expensive habit where you pay a lot more than necessary for unnecessary services.
  • A third reason is that it protects against financial ruin if something goes wrong with your current plan (like a major illness).


When it comes to health insurance, there are good reasons for getting it and not getting it. We have covered the pros and cons of health insurance, but ultimately, you need to weigh your options based on your own unique situation. If you are considering buying coverage, we hope that this article helped give you some insight into what's available out there. Check out our health insurance plans and get covered today.