Thursday, March 10

10 tips on what to do if you miss your flight

Your flight is in 5 hours, but your mum/dad is already putting pressure on you to leave for the airport. For good reason! They don’t want you to miss your flight because they know how much of a nightmare it can be!

Unfortunately, it happens to the best of us. No matter how organized or punctual you are, you're bound to land in a situation that’s out of your hands. Situations such as last-minute road closure, terrible traffic especially if you reside in Lagos, or some other scenario out of your control.

Here are things to do if you miss your flight:

  1. Don’t panic - Keeping calm can be hard when you miss a flight or are about to but freaking out will not help. Whether you’ve been stuck in traffic, had the wrong flight time, or date, no amount of panicking is going to improve the situation.
  2. Notify the airline – If you're on your way to the airport and already know you will miss your flight, don't wait. Call the airline even before your flight departs, and they might be able to rebook you for free over the phone. If you call before the gate closes on your flight, there is a much higher chance that you will be able to switch to another flight without too much fuss.
  3. Two-hour rule - Most airlines have a policy for what to do with passengers who have missed their flight. Typically, if you arrive at the airport within two hours of your flight’s departure, you’ll be put on the next available flight or standby if it's fully booked.
  4. Check your insurance policy - If you missed your flight and it wasn’t your fault, you may be able to recoup some of your expenses.
  5. Deal with missed connections - Sometimes a missed flight can cause a chain reaction in travel plans. If this missed flight is going to result in a missed connection, alert the airline so they can assist with alternate arrangements.
  6. Notify your hotel - If missing your flight will also cause you to miss a hotel reservation, then notify the hotel as early as possible. Doing so will help you avoid additional fees and will spare you the ire of ground transportation employees who would otherwise be waiting for you outside the airport.
  7. One-Way Tickets - If you’re more than two hours late, you’re probably out of luck, and getting a new ticket is next up on your agenda. If you’re on the first part of your itinerary, you can’t just buy a one-way ticket rather than paying an expensive change fee. This will usually cancel your whole itinerary. Your best bet is to pay the change fee.
  8. Do everything early - These days, the differences between airlines can be quite vast from what you need to do pre-boarding. So, with that in mind, it’s best to check in for your new flight early, to give you time to resolve any baggage or boarding issues.
  9. Make the most of your time - missing your flight wasn’t exactly how you planned to spend your day at the airport but there’s no use moping around feeling sorry for yourself – these things happen. Once you’ve settled on your new arrangements, head to the concourse and do something to make the most of the situation.
  10. Learn from your mistake - This is perhaps the hardest part. While you don’t miss a flight regularly, it does happen, so be prepared for any circumstance, and plan your journey to the airport.

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